In the closed section of Rua Rio de Janeiro between Rua Tamoios and Praça Sete, in Belo Horizonte's navel, is the Quarteirão Xacriabá. The area is a continuation of some pedestrian routes in the center of BH, such as the Alameda da Igreja São José and the Praça Sete Gallery. Our project sought to divide it into three living spaces: an amphitheater, a central square and a tribune.
In this way, we obtained a balanced arrangement for the functions consecrated by the public use that take place there: the friendly tradition of the game of checkers, political demonstrations and late afternoon beer.
The idea is to transform the space of passage into a place of experience, instrumentalizing the daily life of the citizen.
Gustavo Penna, Augustin de Tugny, Norberto Bambozzi
Belo Horizonte – Minas Gerais – Brazil
Technical Data
Year of the project: 1990, reformulated in 2001
Year of completion of the work: 2003
Built area: 500m²
Leonardo Finotti