The Pampulha Ecological Park, located in an area of 27 hectares, will guarantee the protection and stability of the areas that make up the Island, the Peninsula and the Enseada. The revitalization of these areas will create opportunities for the community to develop activities aimed at educational leisure and also for the Zoobotany Foundation to carry out research projects, environmental education and events. Divided into five areas – Esplanade, Reforested Area, Flooded Area, Restricted Use Reserve and Cove -, the set will privilege the contemplative use of space with emphasis on the natural aspects of the environmental reserve.
The guidelines adopted for the space point to the preservation of forested areas with species from different ecosystems, incorporated into the walks; the prohibition of the internal flow of vehicles of the regulars (only maintenance vehicles will be allowed to enter the Park), reserving the alleys for pedestrians and trails for cyclists.
The distribution of support equipment along the roads is also defined (small snack bars, bird watching posts, small environmental education centers, stilts for walking and fishing, benches, trash cans, drinking fountains and toilets); the creation of a large grassy area for cultural and environmental education events, in addition to spaces for children's recreation and outdoor gymnastics; and the landscaping treatment of the border areas and respective extensions.
In order to mitigate the effects resulting from the silting that today make up the area do PARQUE ECOLOGO DA PAMPULHA we seek integrated solutions to the environment give it the same smoothness as the slopes and reliefs of the nearby surroundings.
It was intended to guarantee a wealth of plans and levels, easy visual reference and the necessary isolation between the (internal) gathering environments and the external areas of vehicle flow and other urban activities that are more concentrated in the public.
Gustavo Penna, Mariza Machado Coelho, Álvaro Hardy, Alexandre Bragança, Alessandra Rodrigues, Ana Rita de Barros, Bruno Santa Cecília, Celina Borges Lemos, Fernando Maculan, Laura Penna, Norberto Bambozzi, Pedro Morais, Roberta Vasconcelos.
Artistic Conception
Paulo Pederneiras
Management and Planning
Risia Botrel
Belo Horizonte – Minas Gerais – Brazil
Technical Data
Year of the project: 2002
Year of completion of the work: 2004
Built area: 270,000m²
Jomar Bragança
Leonardo Finotti