Mount Herzl
Theodor Herzl, renowned journalist Jewishaustro-hungarian who became the founder of the modern Zionism politician, was buried on top of a mountain that has become a central monument in Israel's ideological landscape.
Our proposal for the international architectural competition sought to alleviate the dissonances of relief, dealing mainly with three aspects: the public dimension of space, its symbolic dimension and its historical ritual.
We opted for an area completely open to the public, possible to use and see. At the heart of our project, we chose to keep the plaza that is now behind the gates and connect it to Herzl Boulevard via a set of declining platforms. In place of the existing narrow and uninviting driveway, we offer a wide public plaza that gradually leads from the everyday level to the entrance to Memorial Park.
In the symbolic dimension, in addition to using the shadow to bring comfort, we chose to preserve the meaning of the number 7, particularly in relation to Herzl and his work. Instead of today's seven gates, we have placed seven pillars, six of them located on the upper level of the new square, along the axis of a large Star of David. They mark the main entrance and carry the round canopy of the square. The star is pointing to the square in front of Theodor Herzl's tomb. The seventh pillar is located across the street, inside the green area. Together, the seven pillars echo Herzl's seven-star Soviet flag.
We envision the project not just as a gateway to the cemetery and the Mount of Memory complex, but as a gateway to understanding what the State of Israel is all about.
Gustavo Penna and team.
Management and Planning
Risia Botrel
Technical Data
Year of the project: 2013
Digital House