The view of the Center for those arriving from the front of Avenida Amazonas is monumental and joyful.
In the large flat extension, a portal opens on the scale of the set that marks its noble entrance, the main axis of the routes.
Everything contributes to creating a festive and spacious atmosphere. The lighting and ventilation skylights of the pavilions, in rhythm, attract the eye to the main body of the building and play a fun game of shapes.
Elegance and simplicity can be seen everywhere, in order to ensure that the projects are executed quickly and at low cost, without losing the plastic and symbolic values required for a space that synthesizes the culture, technology and economy of our State.
Hence, we used an industrial aesthetic with metal roofs in 25-meter spans and the side closing with thermo-acoustic tiles. It is a technological image, vibrant, contemporary and in volumetric harmony with the existing buildings.
Versatility is the main feature of this Center.
There are three autonomous pavilions of variable dimensions and with the possibility of interconnections through large sliding acoustic doors, modulated in order to allow different arrangements of the fairs.
The access gallery is in the form of an open balcony, with a span of 15 meters and serves multiple functions. Next to the gallery on the lower level, the auditoriums and meeting rooms to support the exhibitions were located.
The result is a dignified and efficient urban-architectural ensemble, harmonized with the preservation and enhancement of the Park's historic buildings, within modern concepts of urban revitalization to configure itself within a framework of Minas Gerais; vocation as a national center for exhibitions and events and to constitute effective instruments of business promotion and development.
Gustavo Penna, Norberto Bambozzi, Ana Paula Silva, Wilson Bernardi Moreira, David Landinez, Mayra Rodrigues, Ana Rita Massahud, Laura Penna, Letícia Carneiro, Laura Caram, Juliana Couri
Belo Horizonte – Minas Gerais – Brazil
Technical Data
Year of the project: 2003
Year of completion of the work: 2006
Built area: 60.000m²
Jomar Bragança
José Israel Abrantes
Leonardo Finotti