Observing the trend of several world metropolises that have shown concern for social well-being, the coexistence of the population in public spaces, the integration of urban transport, the stimulus to alternative modes of mobility and, of course, sustainability, the architect Gustavo Penna developed the project that won the national competition for the Administrative Center of Belo Horizonte.
The building proposed by GPA&A is transparent with horizontal lines that rises over a span of 20 meters, creating a large public square, integrating pedestrian spaces and preserving the city's architectural heritage. “This work has a much larger urban dimension than an architectural one, since it generates a covered square that is four times the size of MASP, in São Paulo, for the population to live together. In addition, it has a bike lane on the outskirts of the building, which allows cyclists to reach the top floor by bike,” explains Penna.
The proposal was unanimously chosen by the judging committee, taking into account aspects such as architectural and landscape quality, reduction of environmental impact, accessibility, aesthetics and comfort, sustainability, safety and cost. The Administrative Center will have 13 floors, occupying a built area of 100,000m² on the land where the city's bus station currently operates. It can house up to ten thousand people. In addition to creating a large living area for the population and preserving the views of the bus terminal, whose building is listed as a municipal heritage site, the project favors public transport, integrating with the subway, Move and bike paths.
Gustavo Penna, Laura Penna, Norberto Bambozzi, Alice Flores, Carolina Castro, Catarina Hermanny, Fernanda Tolentino, Fernando Artigas, Gabriel Barbosa, Henrique Neves, Isadora Dawson, Michelle Moura, Naiara Costa, Oded Stahl, Patrícia Gonçalves.
Proap - Portugal
Belo Horizonte – Minas Gerais – Brazil
Technical Data
Year of the project: 2014
Built area: 101,510m²
Digital House